Introduction to the Saint Jude Prayer
Saint Jude, apostle of Jesus Christ, may your Mighty prayer come to our aid, you the patron of difficult causes and desperate cases. Help us in our urgent need, unblock any difficult situation, obtain miracles and divine healing for our life by your effective prayer on the heart of Jesus whom you loved to the end.
Listen Here to the Miraculous Prayer to Saint Jude:
You will find in this video from my Youtube channel With Mary the Miraculous Prayer to Saint Jude:
The Rosary for a Miracle to Saint Jude
1st Glorious Mystery: Saint Jude, driving out all evil
In this mystery, Lord, you have risen, triumphant over all darkness and evil. So we entrust to you, along with St. Jude Thaddeus, who witnessed your Resurrection, the light of your victory in the areas of our lives that are in desperate need of it. Look, Lord, at the difficult causes and dark situations that we entrust to you: shine your light, Jesus, for it is victorious and all-powerful. This is what our faith confirms.
2nd Glorious Mystery: Saint Jude, help the Church
In this mystery, Lord, we entrust to you the Church and all the bishops who are the apostles’ successors, along with the apostle St. Jude. May the Church’s witness be renewed in its strength, power, credibility, and humility, in order to rekindle hope in the hearts of all the men and women in this world who so desperately need it.
3rd Glorious Mystery: Come Holy Spirit to my urgent need through the prayer of Saint Jude
In this mystery, Lord, we invoke the Holy Spirit’s presence. Come, Holy Spirit, against all invisible enemies, every difficult cause, every hopeless cause, through Saint Jude’s prayer. Come, Holy Spirit, and renew this world by a new Pentecost, come and renew concretely each of our countries, come and renew concretely each of our families, come and renew all our activities, come and renew each of our hearts, our entire being. Amen. Hallelujah!
And we can, friends, invoke the Holy Spirit with strength; he desires to enter our hearts, he wants to answer our call. Thank you, Holy Spirit, and all glory to you.
4th Glorious Mystery: Saint Jude, help us in our desperate causes
In this mystery, Lord, Mary ascends into heaven and brings to the Father all of our prayer intentions. We entrust to you, Mary, along with St. Jude, all of our difficult and desperate causes, all of the situations that are intractable and impossible to resolve through our own efforts. Mary, you have gone through the trial of the cross to enter glory, so we entrust to you all our intentions: for our families, children, work, finances, illnesses, and all forms of despair, anguish, and fear. Your glory as the Risen One with Christ is immense, yet you accompany us on the path of our lives, the path of faith, love, and hope towards Heaven. Thank you, Blessed Mother Mary. Amen.
I recommend that you thank the Virgin Mary with all of the titles that we like to invoke her with. Please pray for us, Our Lady of the Rosary. Please pray for us, Our Lady of Peace. Amen.
5th Glorious Mystery: Prayer of thanksgiving with Saint Jude
In this mystery, Lord, we thank you for calling us to an immeasurable holiness, to this marvellous communion with all the saints of heaven, to plunge together into the eternal delights of the Holy Trinity. So, Lord, thank you for all the apostles, St. Jude Thaddeus, and each of our patron saints. What a great joy, friends. Mary, Queen of the Saints, intercede for us. And I propose that we invoke all the saints in heaven that we admire in order to celebrate them and join them in their eternal feast; Hallelujah! Amen!
Conclusion to the Miraculous Prayer to Saint Jude
If you enjoyed this prayer of the Glorious Mysteries Rosary with Saint Jude for a miracle, please like and share it with someone who may be in great need.
Thank you friends for these Glorious Mysteries of the most Holy Rosary with Saint Jude. I look forward to praying with you again in the next video but until then I pray that the Lord gives you his peace and gives you his Joy through the Virgin Mary. God bless you, and joy in Jesus.